Dr. H. Chamdan Purnama, S.E., M.M.

Analyze Machine Maintenance Cost with Corrective Method and Preventive Method to Increase Production Result

The production engine maintenance process cannot be avoided by companies, because this is closely related to the smooth production process. Machine maintenance is also very important in a company. The object of research is the engine maintenance system that is on the CV. Fajar Offset. The production process is often disrupted by the high amount of damage, which results in maintenance costs. Machines that often experience damage affect the printed product to be produced. The amount of downtime will affect the profits that will have an effect on the swollen maintenance costs of the budget that has been prepared. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cost of machine maintenance with corrective method and preventive method against increase production result. The results of the analysis conducted by researchers at CV. Fajar Offset using SPSS version 24, it can be seen that there are effects of methods machine maintenance cost used by CV. Fajar Offset to increase production result. Both in terms of preventive methods partially or corrective method partially has a significant influence on increase production result CV. Fajar Offset. So is the effect of preventive method and corrective method carried out by CV. Dawn Offset simultaneously has an influence on increase production result CV. Fajar Offset. This result could open the company's view that the costs incurred for machine maintenance to preventive method and corrective methods affect the amount of production both done partially, also the influence of machine maintenance with preventive method and corrective methods simultaneously affect the amount of production https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/thejobsreview/article/view/15307/9748


Attitude Determinant in Entrepreneurship Behavior of Vocational Students’ Entrepreneurship Intention

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kecerdasan emosional, efikasi diri berwirausaha, sikap pada perilaku usaha dengan niat berwirausaha pada siswa SMK. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SEM Smart PLS. Hasil penelitian hubungan kausalitas peran kecerdasan emosional dan efikasi diri berwirausaha dalam sikap pada perilaku usaha terhadap niat berwirausaha siswa SMK di Kabupten Mojokerto sebagai berikut : 1) Kecerdasan emosional secara empiris terbukti tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap niat berwirausaha, namun kecerdasan emosional berpengarauh langsung dan kuat terhadap sikap pada perilaku usaha, 2) Efikasi diri berwirausaha berpengaruh langsung dan kuat terhadap sikap pada perilaku usaha dan niat berwirausaha, serta efikasi diri berwirausaha juga berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap niat berwirausaha melalui sikap pada perilaku usaha, 3) Sikap pada perilaku usaha berpengaruh langsung dan kuat terhadap niat berwirausaha


Naskah 15



Naskah 14

Naskah 14. Turnitin Importance External Integration and Internal Integration Towards Product Innovation and Its Impact on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Competitive Advantage
