Dr. H. Chamdan Purnama, S.E., M.M.

Penelitian 2010

This research is intended to study to what extent is the effect of the implementation of business motivation on the ability and success of small business? The sample of this research is 100 shoes small businesses in East Java Province by using stratified cluster sampling technique. The section of area samples is based on the potency of the products in that area. The researcher concludes that in order to increase the success of clothing small business, the needed is the business ability. And in order to increase business ability, the needed is business motivation.
Keywords: Business motivation, business ability, business success.

Dipublikasikan  di Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan  Universitas Kresten Petra Surabaya ISSN  1411-1438 Terakreditasi SK Dirjen Dikti No. 65a/Dikti/Kep/2008  Vol 12 No. 2 Hlmn 112-208  September 2010,



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