Dr. H. Chamdan Purnama, S.E., M.M.

Competition Intensity, Uncertainty Environmental on the use of Information Technology and its Impact on Business Performance Small and Medium Enterprises


In the business world, the information technology revolution led to tremendous changes in competition, production, marketing and human resource management. The use of information technology is a vital component of business performance (BP). By this study wanted to know of competition intensity (CI), uncertainty environment (UE) of business and the use of information technology and its impact on BP. The sample number in this study are 130 respondences of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) printing management in East Java, using purposive sampling technique. Through testing with analysis of structural equation modeling the results of this study found that: First, CI impact significant positive on the information technology investment (IIT). But CI impact significant negative BP SMEs. Second, UE of business impact significant positive on the BP of SMEs and IIT. Third, IIT impact significant positive on the BP of SMEs.

International Review of Management and Marketing, ISSN: 2146-4405, 2016, 6(4), 984-992

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