Siminar Internasional "The Role of Higher Education Institution in human resources competitive advantages"
This study aims to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence and occupational health either partially or simultaneously on employee performance. This research is a correlational study. The study population was employees CV. Percetakan Fajar Mojokerto, with a population of as many as 80 employees. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis used regression analysis with SPSS 16 for Windows. Based on the results of the regression analysis, it is known that emotional intelligence and occupational health partial effect on employee performance. And note also that emotional intelligence and health simultaneously influence on employee performance. Emotional intelligence has a dominant influence on employee performance. In this regard then, the company needs to provide additional self-development training, especially for emotional intelligence and maintaining the health of employees in order to improve employee performance and build productivity is good, and for future researchers in order to add variables other than the variables studied in this research so that research results can further enhance this research in order to improve employee performance.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Occupational Health, Employee performance.