Every organization has an interest in the best performance that can be produced by the set of systems that apply in that organization. Human resource management is one of the key factors to get the best performance, because in addition to dealing with problems of skills and expertise, human resource management is also obliged to build conducive behavior of employees to get the best performance. In the context of educational institutions, boarding schools in the East Java region, especially Madura, are areas that have many educational institutions other than being sheltered by boarding schools. Islamic boarding school education is currently experiencing increasingly strong competition and decreasing interest. These conditions imply the need to optimize the performance of Islamic boarding school educational institutions, with teachers as the front guard. In other words, to improve the competitiveness, commitment and work ethic of teachers is a key factor in the success of Islamic boarding school educational institutions. For this reason, the management of Islamic boarding schools is demanded to be more selective in choosing teaching teachers who will carry out the mandate of teaching this curriculum. In an organization the role of human resources (HR) in achieving organizational goals is very important. HR plays a role in formulating every strategy that will be used in an organization (Djati & Khusaini, 2003). Appropriate HR management becomes an important role, because the quality of the human resources of a company will support the back and forth of the organization (Armel et al., 2017). The position and role of the teacher in the education process occupies a central position, thus determining the quality and process of educational success
SelengkapnyaWhether we realize it or not, Islamic boarding school educational organizations existed before the colonial period, even long before Islam entered Indonesia (Kusdiana, 2014: 5). In other words, boarding school education can be classified as a very old educational and religious institution. This does not necessarily make boarding schools as a traditional institution, this can be proven by the many modern boarding schools that not only teach the yellow books but also teach general subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, to foreign languages. For that, management boarding school required to be more selective in choosing teachers, teachers who will carry out the mandate the teaching of this curriculum. In an organization the role of human resources in achieving organizational goals is very important. HR plays a role in formulating each strategy that will be used in an organization (Djati and Khusaini, 2003). Appropriate HR management becomes an important role, because the quality of the human resources of a company will support the company back and forth (Armel et al., 2017). Teachers as educational staff is one of the determining factors for the success of educational goals, because teachers who directly intersect with students, to provide guidance that will produce the expected graduates. Teachers are human resources who are planners, actors and determinants of achieving educational goals. Based on the description above, the teacher's performance must always be improved given the challenges of the education world to produce quality human resources who are able to compete in an increasingly stringent global era. Teacher performance (performance) is the result achieved by the teacher in carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skill, experience and sincerity and the use of time. Efforts to improve performance are usually done by providing motivation in addition to other ways. From some of the descriptions above, researchers will examine the relationship of teacher performance in Sabilillah Madura Islamic boarding school with work motivation and Islamic work ethic.
SelengkapnyaAlhamdulillah Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah menganugerahkan kenikmatan yang tak terhingga sehingga kami bisa melaksanakan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi dalam Wujud Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dapat terlaksana dengan baik pada: Hari/ Tanggal : Jum’at, 06 Desember 2019 Jam : 07.00 – 10.15 WIB Tempat : Aula Kankemenag Kab. Sampang dan MAN Sampang Materi : Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Madrasah Peserta : Kepala Madrasah Se-Kabupaten Sampang
SelengkapnyaAlhamdulillah Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah menganugerahkan kenikmatan yang tak terhingga sehingga kami bisa melaksanakan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi dalam Wujud Pengabdian pada Masyarakat di SMA Sabilillah Sampang tentang kepemimpinan dengan tema “Gebrakan Jiwa Kepemimpinan Dalam Mewujudkan Generasi Hebat Bermartabat “ dapat terlaksana dengan baik
SelengkapnyaDiscipline is very important for organizational growth, used primarily to motivate employees to be able to discipline themselves in carrying out work both individually and in groups. Besides that, the discipline is beneficial to educate employees to comply with and enjoy the rules, procedures, and policies that exist, so that they can produce good performance. The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out whether organizational culture and employees intrapreneurship have a partial effect on work discipline of employees in Brangkal Offset Mojokerto 2) To find out whether intrapreneurship organizational culture and employees simultaneously influence the work discipline of employees in Brangkal Offset Mojokerto. The population in this study were 35 people, this study used population research. In sampling from 35 employees, 100% were taken as subjects or respondents. Based on the results of the regression analysis it was found that first that: 1) There is a partial influence between intrapreneurship organizational culture and employees on employee discipline in Brangkal Offset Mojokerto. 2) There is a simultaneous influence between intrapreneurship organizational culture and employees on work discipline of employees in Brangkal Offset Mojokerto
SelengkapnyaMateri Kuliah ini menjelaskan mengenai konsep, tujuan, peran, prose , dan kriteria penelitian ilmiah, menentukan perumusan masalah penelitian dan variable, menentukan desain dan metode riset, menentukan data atau sampel, menentukan sumber data dan pengumpulan data, memahami dasar-dasar pengukuran, menentukan teknik analisis data, data dengan metode Deskriptif, menganalisis data dengan metode Inferensial, menentukan kapan menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif serta merancang proposal penelitian
SelengkapnyaThis book tries to pick the actual problems in the implementation of the government's guidance to small industries. The rationale is that in the implementation of small business development for the success and failure has been experienced. Such failures, still commonly encountered inconsistencies among policy-makers, many of the patterns that technical assistance is less effective, yet effective bottom-up mechanism in the field. Particularly education and training activities much less meet the real needs of the target object in the field, the existing incentive systems are often less touching the real sector needs, there is still reluctance in most small industrial employers to make changes that are due to the modernization of cultural barriers and level of education. On the other hand a very important role of small industries. In the implementation of Indonesia's economic development, small industrial sector turned out to be high enough to contribute in the formation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment in Indonesia. Aware of the realities that exist in small industry, the government waged against the empowerment of small industries is needed.