Indra Krishernawan, S.E., M.S.M.

Competency Development Strategies for Employees in the Context of Community Empowerment (Genap 2023/2024)

Abstrak Dalam era globalisasi ini, dinamika sosial, ekonomi, dan teknologi terus berkembang dengan cepat. Pemberdayaan masyarakat menjadi semakin penting untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan keberlanjutan. Dalam konteks ini, peran karyawan dengan kompetensi yang relevan menjadi krusial dalam mendukung upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan kompetensi bagi karyawan dalam konteks pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur kualitatif, mengambil data dari Google Scholar dalam rentang waktu 2006-2023. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengembangan kompetensi bagi karyawan dalam konteks pemberdayaan masyarakat membentuk pendekatan holistik yang memainkan peran integral dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Mulai dari mengidentifikasi kebutuhan kompetensi hingga mengimplementasikan program pengembangan individu, langkah-langkah ini membentuk dasar yang kokoh untuk mewujudkan perubahan positif dalam masyarakat. Dengan memberdayakan karyawan melalui peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan, organisasi tidak hanya memperkuat kapasitas internal mereka tetapi juga memberikan kontribusi signifikan pada kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Kompetensi, Karyawan, Kebutuhan Masyarakat

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Analysis Of The Influence Of Compensation, Leadership Style And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance In National Banking Industry (Genap 2023/2024)

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to ascertain how organizational culture and leadership style, with pay acting as an intervening variable, affect employee performance. 100 employees were used in the saturation sampling approach to determine the study's sample. Using SPSS 26, path analysis was the data analysis method employed in this investigation. The findings demonstrated tha leadership style has a direct bearing on remuneration; and organizational culture has a direct bearing on compensation. Leadership style and corporate culture have a simultaneous impact on pay. The performance of employees is directly impacted by organizational culture. Employee performance is not directly impacted by a leader's style. Compensation directly affects how well employees perform. Employee performance is influenced by salary, leadership style, and company culture all at the same time. Compensation is determined to be a mediating variable for each of the leadership style and organizational culture factors on employee performance based on the results of the Sobel Test. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Compensation, Employee Performance

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Motivation And Job Satisfaction In Employees. (Ganjil 2023/2024)

Abstract Important components of the industrial workplace include work motivation, job satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, and non-financial rewards. The purpose of this study is to look into how various motivational factors affect leaders' and employees' communication and cooperation, as well as how non-financial incentives and interpersonal relationships affect workers' job satisfaction and work motivation in the electronics manufacturing sector. Purposive sampling was used in the study to select 91 respondents who worked for Indonesian companies that manufactured electronics. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the data that was gathered, and the SmartPLS 3.0 analysis tool was helpful in this process. The findings indicate that employee work motivation is significantly impacted by non-financial incentives. In other words, offering non-monetary rewards by top business executives raises worker motivation. The study's results also demonstrate that interpersonal relationships have no appreciable impact on workers' motivation for their jobs. This indicates that employees' levels of motivation at work are not directly influenced by the interpersonal relationships that exist between them and their bosses. Additionally, the study discovered that employee job satisfaction is significantly impacted by work motivation. Keywords: Relationships with others, Motivation at work, and Job satisfaction

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Human Resource Management (HRM) Strategy in Improving Organisational Innovation (Ganjil 2023/2024)

In the era of globalization and intensifying business competition, innovation has become the key to the sustainability and success of an organization. One critical factor that can influence an organization's ability to innovate is Human Resource Management (HRM). This research aims to examine HRM strategies in enhancing organizational innovation. The method involves a comprehensive review of literature using qualitative analysis, with the goal of achieving a thorough understanding of the subject from 2014 to 2023. The study's results indicate that, in enhancing organizational innovation through HRM strategies, effective HRM integration is necessary to empower employees and cultivate an organizational culture that supports creativity. Key steps such as skill development, competency enhancement, the implementation of incentive policies, and good performance management are essential elements in achieving this objective. The culture of innovation is not the result of a single policy but rather a collection of integrated HRM practices. This foundation consists of visionary leadership and open communication, which play a crucial role in motivating employees to actively participate in the innovation process. Therefore, the leader's role is highly crucial in directing the organizational vision towards innovation and designing appropriate HRM policies.

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The Impact Of Knowledge Share On Employee Performance: The Role Of Gender

Abstrak This study aims to determine the extent to which knowledge sharing influences performance employee And How gender can moderate connection between knowledge sharing And performance employee. Study This use method collection data quantitative with collection data field use method questionnaire Which shared direct to employee part marketing PT. Kahatex. Analysis data using the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The research results show that knowledge sharing has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and gender has not been tested capable of acting as a moderating variable between the effects of knowledge sharing to performance employee. Keywords: Knowledge Sharing , gender, Performance Employee

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Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan, Dan Brand Image Terhadap Loyalitas Member PT. Natural Nusantara (Studi Kasus Pada Distributor Mojokerto)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh store environment, fashion involvement, dan sales promotion terhadap customer impulse buying (Studi pada Konsumen Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto. Pengukuran sampel diambil sebanyak 100 orang responden. Nonprobability sampling dengan teknik accidental sampling adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan untuk mengukur skala likert dengan jumlah indikator sebanyak 20 . Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan SPSS statistik 21. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil; 1) Store environment secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 0,660 < T tabel 1,661; 2) Fashion involvement secara parsial dan positif berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 2,790 > T tabel 1,661; 3) Sales Promotion secara parsial dan positif berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 2,344 > T tabel 1,661; 4) Store environment, fashion involvement, dan sales promotion berpengaruh secara bersama-sama (simultan) dengan signifikan dan positif terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari nilai F tabel < F hitung (2,699 < 8,628) dengan koefisien regresi Y = 0,666 + 0,107X1 + 0,362X2 + 0,150X3 + ?. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel store environment ditolak, karena tidak berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying yang ada di Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto. Sedangkan variabel fashion involvement dan variabel sales promotion diterima karena berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying. Kata Kunci : Customer Impulse Buying, Fashion Involvement, Sales Promotion, Store Environment

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh store environment, fashion involvement, dan sales promotion terhadap customer impulse buying (Studi pada Konsumen Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto. Pengukuran sampel diambil sebanyak 100 orang responden. Nonprobability sampling dengan teknik accidental sampling adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan untuk mengukur skala likert dengan jumlah indikator sebanyak 20 . Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan SPSS statistik 21. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil; 1) Store environment secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 0,660 < T tabel 1,661; 2) Fashion involvement secara parsial dan positif berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 2,790 > T tabel 1,661; 3) Sales Promotion secara parsial dan positif berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari T hitung 2,344 > T tabel 1,661; 4) Store environment, fashion involvement, dan sales promotion berpengaruh secara bersama-sama (simultan) dengan signifikan dan positif terhadap customer impulse buying dilihat dari nilai F tabel < F hitung (2,699 < 8,628) dengan koefisien regresi Y = 0,666 + 0,107X1 + 0,362X2 + 0,150X3 + ?. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel store environment ditolak, karena tidak berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying yang ada di Matahari Sunrise Mall Mojokerto. Sedangkan variabel fashion involvement dan variabel sales promotion diterima karena berpengaruh terhadap customer impulse buying. Kata Kunci : Customer Impulse Buying, Fashion Involvement, Sales Promotion

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Abstrak Riset ini berencana untuk mengenali pengaruh ulasan produk, kemudahan, kepercayaan, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian pada marketplace Shopee di Mojokerto. Jenis penelitan adalah riset kuantitatif. Sampel yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 responden diperoleh dengan memakai metode sampling purposive. Pengumpulan data diambil menggunakan kuesioner lewat google form. Metode analisis data, yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, uji t, dan uji F, serta koefisien determinasi. Perhitungan data memakai SPSS 21. Hasil pengujian melaporkan bahwa ulasan produk tidak memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Marketplace Shopee di Mojokerto, sebaliknya kemudahan, kepercayaan, serta harga terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Marketplace Shopee di Mojokerto. Variabel kemudahan merupakan variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan kepada keputusan pembelian pada Marketplace Shopee di Mojokerto. Kata kunci: Ulasan Produk, Kemudahan, Kepercayaan, Harga, Keputusan Pembelian

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